
Alive Again
Experience the stillness of winter, then explore the ways life may be more abundant than it seems this time of year.
Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing with Scarborough Land Trust
Explore the beautiful trails of Warren Woods in a new, mindful way. In partnership with Scarborough Land Trust.
Forest Bathing

Full Moon Recharge
Take in the meditative benefits of the forest and recharge with the full moon.
Forest Bathing + Moon Ritual

Forest Bathing with Scarborough Land Trust
Explore the beautiful trails of Warren Woods in a new, mindful way. In partnership with Scarborough Land Trust.
Forest Bathing

Purposeful Morning
Immerse yourself in the forest as you set a positive intention for your day.
Forest Bathing

New Year Refresh with Scarborough Land Trust
Explore the beautiful trails of Warren Woods in a new, mindful way. In partnership with Scarborough Land Trust.
Forest Bathing

Autumnal Magic - Forest Bathing + Watercolor Meditation
Immerse yourself in the colors of autumn with a walk through the forest followed by a healing art practice.
Forest Bathing + Watercolor Meditation

Forest Bathing with Scarborough Land Trust
Explore the beautiful trails of Warren Woods in a new, mindful way. In partnership with Scarborough Land Trust.
Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing with Presumpscot Land Trust
Explore the beautiful trails in a new, mindful way. In partnership with Presumpscot Regional Land Trust.
Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing with Falmouth Land Trust
Explore the beautiful trails of Morrill-Stillings Bird Sanctuary in a new, mindful way. In partnership with Falmouth Land Trust.
Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing with Scarborough Land Trust
Explore the beautiful trails of Warren Woods in a new, mindful way. In partnership with Scarborough Land Trust.
Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing with Scarborough Land Trust
Explore the beautiful trails of Warren Woods in a new, mindful way. In partnership with Scarborough Land Trust.
Forest Bathing